Healing and strengthening your immune system

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This winter, more than ever, it’s important for us to look after our immune systems. With a global pandemic lurking in the shadows and the cold months nearly upon us we should start bolstering our immune system so that it’s ready to protect us when needed. 

The immune system in a nutshell

I bet you one thing, you can’t point to your immune system! It doesn’t occupy specific real estate in your body the way your digestive, respiratory or circulatory systems do. Instead it’s more a matter of optimised and synchronised functioning of different body parts that are largely located in the digestive system. In fact, 70% of your immune system resides in the gut which starts at your mouth and, you guessed it, ends at your bottom. 

What affects your immune system?

Unfortunately, everything. 

Here are a few that you can try to control: 

  • Stress - stress and in particular the hormone cortisol can suppress immunity.

  • Bad sleep - a disrupted sleep can have a negative effect on your immune system.

  • What you eat - sugary foods or foods that don’t support your overall gut health will lower the strength of your immune system.

  • Who you surround yourself with - negativity has been shown to have a bad effect on our immunity.

A few tips to support your immune system this winter: 

  • Start to introduce Reiki treatments into your life: Receiving regular Reiki treatments can evoke a balancing, self-healing response from deep within your immune system. That means that even when prolonged stresses (such as unwelcome global pandemics) or more common stressors such as accidents or the common cold are thrown your way, you’re more likely to be resilient, remain balanced and recover faster.

  • Enjoy activities that will combat stress - This can be different for everyone. Anything that helps you to feel calm and relaxed and to release stress - meditation, Yoga, a gentle walk, a Reiki treatment or massage, a cup of tea, a few chapters of a good book, a gratitude journal. Find what it is for you and add it into your daily routine.

  • Regular sleep schedule - For many this is easier said than done, however if you can try to adopt a regular sleep pattern you’ll help to build up your immunity. Create an evening ritual to help you tell your body it’s time for bed - perhaps a bath, a meditation, a cup of night time tea. In the winter months try to go to sleep earlier - rise and set with the sun - and allow yourself extra rest.

  • Move your body - Again, this can look different for everyone but try to move your body in some way, every day. This can be a walk, a Pilates class, a bike-ride, a run, a stretch or even a dance to your favourite song in the kitchen.

  • Eat plants - Whole plant foods like fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and legumes are rich in nutrients and antioxidants that may give your immune system an upper hand against harmful pathogens. Plus, the fibre in plant foods feeds your gut microbiome, promoting healthy bacteria in your gut. Fruits and veggies are also rich in Vitamin C which is known to help fight the common cold.

My main tip would be not to over stress about your immune system. Know that it’s there, it is important and it can be supported very easily with just a few tweaks to your routine. Take some time for some self-care this winter whether thats a shift in diet, more rest, introducing a new stress-combating activity into your routine and your immune system will thank you.

Sarah Ashe