Natural remedies for birth

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I’m all for trusting in baby’s ability to know when it’s time to enter the world. But, as we creep closer to our due date the impatience definitely starts to settle in. A longing to see and cuddle your baby makes the days move past at a snail’s pace - trust me! 

Whether the below techniques are simply old wives tales or scientifically proven I’m still finding comfort in following them. 


Moving your body in and out of Yoga poses could help move baby into the right position - they say that gentle exercise is a good way to bring on labour. 

Depending on your energy levels you could try and move through a pregnancy Yoga class or, if you’re feeling tired, simply find some more restorative postures. 

If you’re looking for some energetic poses work with gravity - anything that will help draw baby and your energy down towards the earth. Think Goddess pose, Yogic Squat or Warrior poses. 

Slipping into a restorative posture such as Child’s Pose or a Wide Legged Forward Fold with lots of props will not only continue to prepare your body for birth but will also help you find some inner calm which will get those oxytocin levels up. Calm mum = calm baby (and hopefully calm labour!)

Clary Sage

As a person who uses oils daily for support, Clary Sage feels like the perfect remedy for me. Clary Sage is known for its relaxing and balancing effects and can be used to ease stress and anxiety and to soothe menstrual cramps. In pregnancy Clary Sage can be used to bring on labour and speed up the labour process. 

I’ve been popping a few drops of the essential oil into my bath or into the steam of my shower and I’ve been adding a drop to a pea size globule of coconut oil and rubbing it on my belly. Baby loves the massage and it will also help reduce stretch marks. 

I also plan to pack Clary Sage in my hospital bag so that I can reach for it during labour if I need. 

Self care

Oxytocin is the hormone that we need to have plenty of in order to go into labour. Also called the Love Hormone, oxytocin is heightened when we feel safe, loved and cosy. Implementing some self care techniques into your day could be just the ticket. Here’s what I’m doing:

  • A daily bath with a yummy smelling candle, the lights down low, and some calming music playing

  • Daily meditation

  • Snuggling down in the evening to watch funny, light hearted movies

  • Drinking lots of tea and reading a good book

  • Self Reiki for me and baby

Dates and raspberry leaf tea

This one I’ve struggled with! I’m not a fan of dates but they say that if you start to eat them around your due date it might help to bring on labour. Instead of eating them whole I’m planning on popping them into a banana smoothie or making some healthy Bliss Balls. 

Drinking raspberry leaf tea in the lead up to your due date can help to strengthen the muscles of the uterus. It has quite a bitter taste but, if you can stomach it, settle down with a steaming mug and enjoy some self care at the same time! 


There are many other techniques that can be tried but these are the ones that I’ve found easy to fit into my daily routine and that baby and I have particularly enjoyed doing. 

Sarah Ashe